Sunday, February 22, 2009

Busy Busy

Well we have been very busy at the Brown House... last weekend was a wash! I decided Sunday morning that all the base boards in the house were a mess and needed to be painted... next time I might rethink that idea- I couldn't walk for two days after crawling around on the floor for 4 hours.

Now that I have recovered we are getting ready for our big garage sale! The girls have recital coming up and we have 11 costumes between the both of them, 2 competitions and Nationals this summer. The trip to take Olivia to Nationals is going to be pricey. The Troupes are going to Disneyland this year for competition and will be there for 4 days. So hopefully we can make some serious money at our garage sale... we have cleaned out every nook and cranny and are taking any donations.

goodbye for now... the bathrooms need cleaning and the laundry needs folding.

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