Saturday, February 28, 2009

Garage sale for dance

The last week has been hectic... is there ever a week in our house that is not hectic. Besides work and school Olivia had the unpleasureable experience of starting orthodontics. On Monday she had to have a palet expander with tongue loops and a bottom retainer "installed". She definately has some serious hardware in her mouth. Monday night was filled up tears and upset tummies- it just broke my heart! She knows in the long run she will have the most beautiful teeth, but that doesn't make it any easier on her. After we dealt with that we were back to being garage sale maniacs! Our friends and family all donated to our garage sale and so we had to get everything organized and ready to go. We priced items and set up everything by Thursday night and were ready to go for Friday morning. People started showing up by 6:30 and would come in droves. We were completely cleaned out by 10am. We had a few odds and ends left but nothing spectacular. Craig loaded the rest of the stuff in the van and took it to Good Will. Then it was time to count the cash.... drum roll please... we made $408.50! We are so excited... it has already been deposited into the girls' dance account. We have costumes and competitions to pay for in March and this will definately help. Thanks again to everyone who helped.

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