Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!!!

WOW...Thanksgiving came and went and the left overs are almost gone. We have been so busy that I forgot about my blog... Thanksgiving went well...everyone came over and we feasted like kings and watched Home Alone. It has become one of the girls' favorites... next to the Christmas Story of course! It was nice to spend the day with the family and be able to enjoy everyones company.

Friday I did have to go into work for a little bit... I pumped out the work that needed to be done and then it was off to shop. I am very proud to say that I conquered the Target, Justice and Best Buy and we are done! It is definately nice to already be done... it is one less thing to worry about!

Now we are to Sunday and I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I really could do more sleeping in and hanging out with Hercules... I just have 25 more days till my vacation and 12 days of sleeping in! That is the best Christmas present for me. We just got back from going to look at Christmas lights with the girls. We went to the "Christmas House" and it was just as amazing as Halloween! We took a couple of really great pics... enjoy!

Blog with you later... enjoy your week and your left overs!

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