Thursday, November 20, 2008

The latest...

Ok... I was not going to blog tonight... I just got home and made dinner and the kids are driving me to the dark side... but someone was miffed at me for not blogging lately (Jessica) so here you go with the latest... LOL!

This week has been very long... I am not sure why this one is different but it is. Maybe it is because it is before the holiday week and you are really just looking forward to sleeping in or it could be all of the gloom and doom and talk of "Depression" that everyone is talking about. I can only take so much of this. This is one reason that I look forward to going to the studio. Not only does it give my kids something to do but I can sit and relax with the moms. They are truly some of my best friends...whether I need someone to laugh with or someone to hear me vent. We are getting nervous about the state budget, Janet leaving and Craig getting laid off. We try not to think about it but it is always in the backs of our minds. We thought we were in the clear when Janet wasn't picked for Attorney General... but now she is rumored for Homeland Security. Craig thinks that if we lose Janet there could be lay-offs. He is a good worker and everyone loves him so we just pray that will get him though...

The girls have had an exciting week... the entire second grade went to the Arizona Science Center. They had a really good time... they love going on the bus. Glendale Glitters is looming around the corner. They are both very excited about this. Aubrey is doing a tap routine to Santa Boogie and it will be Olivia's debute as a Mini... she will be doing a tap (This Joint is Jumpin) and jazz to (a Pussy Cat Doll's song???). Glendale Glitter is on 12-20-08... which means there is more practice than normal around our house.

This weekend is jam packed... Scentsy parties, Boutique parties, birthday parties and a fundraiser for Kim.

bye for now... Will post pics of all the events this weekend... maybe even a cartwheel or two!


The Guest Family said...

The jazz song is "When I grow Up"... :o)

The Gwaltneys said...

Scott wants to know how your Judy Garland toes are doing??