Saturday, November 15, 2008

Quiet...but fun Saturday

The day started off quiet... Olivia, Aubrey and Landyn only slept till 7am... so everyone was up. Not too bad... still sleeping in when you usually get up at 4am. We just hung around the house and did the weekly cleaning and laundry. We did finally all get cleaned up and headed out to the Goodyear Guns and Hoses football game. It was a fundraiser for Kim and it was alot of fun ( I have to admit... I don't think I have been to a football game at a highschool... since I was in highschool. It was a good time and the girls really enjoyed the marching band. It was starting to get very cold out and since I am a big whimp when it comes to being cold we decided to come home and make hot cocoa... hope the Guns won!

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