Sunday, December 21, 2008

Glendale Glitters Pictures!!!

Aubrey looks adorable in her red and white pokka dots....

Here is Aubery in her "Santa Boogie" costume. She did an awesome job! is half of the Mini Troupe... they all look wonderful especially the one on the far right!

Here are Olivia and Jaden backstage at Glendale Glitters.
Here is Olivia in her costume for "Joint is Jumpin" she looked great!

A crazy "Brown" week...

Well for starters I have been sick for the last week.... still going to work and doing dance rehearsals! Sometimes I wish that I was Dad and that the world would stop revolving when I got sick... LOL!

Anyways... the girls are out of school for two weeks and they are very excited... I am really excited to be off of work and the studio is closed for two weeks... It will actually be a vacation. I will have nowhere to go and all day to do it.

Glendale Glitters was last night and it went really well! Aubrey looked so cute in her red and white pokka dots for Santa Boogie. She did a fantastic job! It was Olivia's first showing as a member of Mini Troupe. She was very excited and a little nervous... She did great changing her costumes and getting her things back into her bag! A big thank you goes out to Jaden... who helped her change her hair pieces... All the girls did a wonderful job! All of there hard work has definately paid off and they all put on a wonderful show.

It is going to be a long couple of months before they have a different video to watch. The 40 minute video from Glendale Glitters is going to drive me out of my mind... LOL!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Here are all the girls! Thank you so much for coming to help celebrate our 8th birthday it was so much fun! We will have to go again over the winter break...

Some of us were down... more than we were up... LOL! Aubrey is a little sore today.

Madisen and Tatum stopping to pose...

Birthday #8... at the Roller Plex!

The girls had a great time roller skating with all of their friends on Saturday night at the Roller Plex. They skated in the dark with the disco lights, played red light green light and even played the limbo! Of course we all welcomed the giant chocolate Costco cake and of we definitely had alot of presents to open. The girls had told everyone that they wanted Webkins for their birthday and boy oh boy did they clean up... between the two of them they have 18! and Santa has not even been here yet! Thank goodness we don't have to activate them all at one time. We have been slowly learning how to use the Webkin site and how to care and play for our wiener dogs! Chrismas is just around the corner and the days just keep getting busier. I just tell myself I only have 7.5 days of work left and I am finally on vacation!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The girls with their teachers!

Here is Aubrey and Mrs. Mayer! She is one of the best teachers ever... and Aubrey just adores her.

Here is Olivia and Mrs. Belle! They are so much alike... I think Mrs. Belle is just a big version of Olivia. They are just adorable!

Christmas Play

The girls had their Christmas play at school last night and it was very cute. They were in the choir and did a fantastic job. We have been very busy this week... dancing and getting ready for the holidays. The girls are also very excited for their birthday party tomorrow night. Aubrey and Olivia are ringing in number 8 this year at the Roller Plex with 17 fo their best friends! It should be a fun time... I really love to rollerskate! There will definitely be alot of pics of the girls at their big birthday bash.

I must get ready for my holiday party that Craig and I are going to tonight. I hope that everyone stays safe and healthy through the holidays!


Sunday, November 30, 2008

The most important thing done today... sparkley green pedicures! We definately have some cute feet here!

The girls and Craig... after mailing their letters to Santa!

Here are Olivia and Aubrey with Santa. We were excited it was cold enough to wear our new jackets!

Happy Turkey Day!!!

WOW...Thanksgiving came and went and the left overs are almost gone. We have been so busy that I forgot about my blog... Thanksgiving went well...everyone came over and we feasted like kings and watched Home Alone. It has become one of the girls' favorites... next to the Christmas Story of course! It was nice to spend the day with the family and be able to enjoy everyones company.

Friday I did have to go into work for a little bit... I pumped out the work that needed to be done and then it was off to shop. I am very proud to say that I conquered the Target, Justice and Best Buy and we are done! It is definately nice to already be done... it is one less thing to worry about!

Now we are to Sunday and I am not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. I really could do more sleeping in and hanging out with Hercules... I just have 25 more days till my vacation and 12 days of sleeping in! That is the best Christmas present for me. We just got back from going to look at Christmas lights with the girls. We went to the "Christmas House" and it was just as amazing as Halloween! We took a couple of really great pics... enjoy!

Blog with you later... enjoy your week and your left overs!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The latest...

Ok... I was not going to blog tonight... I just got home and made dinner and the kids are driving me to the dark side... but someone was miffed at me for not blogging lately (Jessica) so here you go with the latest... LOL!

This week has been very long... I am not sure why this one is different but it is. Maybe it is because it is before the holiday week and you are really just looking forward to sleeping in or it could be all of the gloom and doom and talk of "Depression" that everyone is talking about. I can only take so much of this. This is one reason that I look forward to going to the studio. Not only does it give my kids something to do but I can sit and relax with the moms. They are truly some of my best friends...whether I need someone to laugh with or someone to hear me vent. We are getting nervous about the state budget, Janet leaving and Craig getting laid off. We try not to think about it but it is always in the backs of our minds. We thought we were in the clear when Janet wasn't picked for Attorney General... but now she is rumored for Homeland Security. Craig thinks that if we lose Janet there could be lay-offs. He is a good worker and everyone loves him so we just pray that will get him though...

The girls have had an exciting week... the entire second grade went to the Arizona Science Center. They had a really good time... they love going on the bus. Glendale Glitters is looming around the corner. They are both very excited about this. Aubrey is doing a tap routine to Santa Boogie and it will be Olivia's debute as a Mini... she will be doing a tap (This Joint is Jumpin) and jazz to (a Pussy Cat Doll's song???). Glendale Glitter is on 12-20-08... which means there is more practice than normal around our house.

This weekend is jam packed... Scentsy parties, Boutique parties, birthday parties and a fundraiser for Kim.

bye for now... Will post pics of all the events this weekend... maybe even a cartwheel or two!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Mondays are always a hard day of the week... let's face there is never any good from a Monday. But today some really great friends taught me a very valuable lesson... one that I will never forget... and to them I say thank you!

I guess good things can come on Monday!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Alaina, Jaden, Olivia, KiKi, Aubrey and Landyn @ the Guns N' Hoses football game.

Quiet...but fun Saturday

The day started off quiet... Olivia, Aubrey and Landyn only slept till 7am... so everyone was up. Not too bad... still sleeping in when you usually get up at 4am. We just hung around the house and did the weekly cleaning and laundry. We did finally all get cleaned up and headed out to the Goodyear Guns and Hoses football game. It was a fundraiser for Kim and it was alot of fun ( I have to admit... I don't think I have been to a football game at a highschool... since I was in highschool. It was a good time and the girls really enjoyed the marching band. It was starting to get very cold out and since I am a big whimp when it comes to being cold we decided to come home and make hot cocoa... hope the Guns won!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Craig and Hercules

Hercules was one of the best birthday presents ever!

Big Sleep Over...

It was a typical Friday for me... woke up this morning feeling like I should have taken a personal day, by Friday I am exhausted. After the usual school, work and errands it was time for dinner! We headed over to the Gwaltney's and Cher was my date for dinner... we did have 4 chaperones all under the age of 10. So it was off to the Red Lobster for all of us... Cher can definatly throw back some seafood... I was truly impressed. Then it was time for the big sleep over with Landyn. Since Cher and the family are doing the cancer walk with Kim tomorrow early in the morning Landyn is spending the night. So we packed her bag after Red Lobster and headed back to the house. We have watched Hannah Montana with popcorn and now we have moved onto the Disney Channel. The girls are now asking for cookies... how come I cannot eat that much anymore???

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our lives....

Our lives are crazy busy... over the last 3 months it has gotten worse...but for the better! Aubrey and Olivia are now in 2nd grade and doing wonderful in school, they have straight A's and we are very proud of them! Besides juggling school they are DANCING DIVA'S! We are at the studio Monday through Thursday and it is amazing to see how far each one of them have come. Aubrey takes ballet, jazz, tap, acro and hip hop...while Olivia takes jazz, ballet, tap, hip hop, lyrical and technique. Most of our nights at the studio consist of homework, dinner and a little mom gossip. In September the studio held Troupe try-outs...Troupe (Mini, Junior and Senior) are competitive dance teams. Olivia is the youngest dancer to make Troupe...she is in Mini-Troupe. It is her dream to be a professional dancer and she could not be more excited. Aubrey has another year before she can try out... I know that she will be ready! They are both just amazing. Here is the headshot that Olivia used for try-outs... she looks so mature... I am just in awe... she is growing up so fast. We will be taking Aubrey's pic this weekend so stayed tuned...

OMG!!! It is finally done!

Ok...I finally did it...I made a blog! It was a little frustrating but I did it... I am a Super Star! I am hoping that since I have committed myself to a life of blogging that it I will start taking more pictures. I really want our friends and family to be able to see the girls along with the four legged children and be able to keep up with them. We have such a hectic schedule that phone calls are not made as often...and pictures not exchanged as often as they need to be. We are going to be having a family picture done... I am going to call tomorrow for an appointment. So keep watching our blog and I promise there will be better pictures! I am now exhausted...